
A product is only as good as its upgrades. This ensures it stays relevant with the changing times and tides, and gives you a competitive edge over others.

Fanso is developed with iterative improvements and new additions released almost every month. And this is where we get to boast about everything we are working on πŸ˜‰

πŸ‘Ά Upcoming Features

Upcoming Features

<aside> 🚧 Disclaimer: Expected Release Dates While we do our best to keep up with the above timeline for version/feature releases, these dates should be considered only tentative and may change for a myriad of reasons. However, if you’re keen on having any of these feature/s sooner than later, please let us know. Depending on the pipeline, we will either prioritize the feature or share a customization quote.


πŸ“š Recently Added

Check the main features added very recently in our Fanso!

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πŸ—„οΈ Feature Archive

<aside> πŸ‘οΈ To check comprehensive Release Notes, go here.


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